The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1917 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1917

Stronghurst Graphic, March 15, 1917 

COURT HOUSE CASE: In the case of the People vs Harry Russler for the theft of Guy Lanphere's automobile, the defendant entered a peal of guilty to grand larceny and asked the court that he be admitted to parole. The matter of parole was referred to C.F.Knox, who was appointed probation officer and will make an investigation and report to the court. Russler implicated two other young men in the village in the crime.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A.V.Brokaw purchased 60 steers while in Kansas City. Mr. And Mrs. C.E.Peasley and Mr. And Mrs. John Peasley were in Ft.Madison attending the funeral of Mr. John Sheperd, a brother-in-law of Mrs. C.E.Peasley. Mrs. Myra Fort and Miss Jennie Fort returned to their home after spending the winter in Galesburg. (Myra Fort's home is now the residence of Pat Jones.) Stine & Rhykerd were delivering a car load of automobiles and expect to deliver another car load of Fords next week which have already been sold. This hustling firm has sold and delivered more than 75 Ford cars alone since last September to say nothing of the higher priced ones of various other makes for which they hold the local agency.

The dog poisoners have been operating in the east part of town. Mr. A.L. Beaver who has been at a sanitarium at Mudd Lava, Ind., has returned home. (Common belief at this time was that health resorts could cure illnesses and evidently, Mr. Beaver was trying the mud baths.)

Mrs. Dug Billups is a sufferer from rheumatism and has been confined to the house for the past two weeks. Miss Esther Curry has been selected as maid of honor for the Maypole party to be given at Monmouth College May 18th.

An expert boiler maker has been refluing the threshing engine of Voorhees Bros. The boys expect to have their equipment rebuilt so they can continue to give the same excellent service to their patrons. The W.H.Penny farm, two miles northeast of Stronghurst has been purchased by J.W.Stine; it had been leased by Wm. Hartquist for a number of years.

Thomas White and family started for West Point, Mississippi in their Chalmer car expecting to make the trip South one of pleasure. Their daughter, Miss Lela? will remain with Mr. and Mrs. Pope to complete the high school year.

The country store at Reed in the north part of the county was destroyed by fire. Asa Worthington of the southeast country shipped 63 head of hogs averaging 240 lbs. Each to Chicago realizing $14.95 per cwt. Frank Worley of Raritan Township and Olive Carlson of Ellison Township in Warren County were married at the residence of Rev. F.M.Branie in Macomb. (When looking for a relative's marriage license, always check surrounding counties if not found here.) Ex-representative, Elder John Huston and wife of Blandinsville have both been lying at death's door; four trained nurses have been in constant attendance and the crisis has passed with both patients having a good chance for recovery.

While coming from Oquawka the Ford car driven by John Simonson was overturned opposite the Martha Moir residence and the occupants more or less bruised up and injured. Wm. Turner, one of the occupants, sustained a broken rib and the car was considerably damaged. Thomas Stevenson of Adrian, Ill. Is dead as the result of an automobile accident which occurred two miles south of Dallas City. The car he was driving overturned into a ditch in which considerable amount of water was running and he drowned before he could be freed from the wreck. His wife, who was also caught under the car, was rescued. Mr. Stevenson was upwards of 60 years of age.

The body of an unidentified man charred to a crisp was found lying along the C.B.&Q. Railroad one mile west of Biggsville. Coroner Marshall was summoned and an inquest held. The verdict of the jury was that the man had met his death accidently, the facts seeming to indicate that his clothing had caught fire while he was sleeping near a fire which he had built to keep warm. As there was no means of learning of relatives, the remains were interred in the Biggsville Cemetery.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Charles Bailey of Oquawka and Miss Clara Oberly of the same were married at the home of Rev. Charles Holmes of Rozetta. The bride is the daughter of J. Oberly and has been her father's housekeeper since the death of her mother several years ago. The groom is the son of W.S.Bailey, living east of Oquawka and is a popular young farmer. The couple will live on the farm owned by the groom's father. Mrs. Frank Figg visited friends and then returned to her home in Burlington. The Payne orchestra furnished fine music at the social dance held at Bryan's hall. Mr. Nichols moved onto the Joseph White place and will farm it this summer. Howard Sandy took a load of block wood to the Thomas Grey family in Monmouth.

A trained nurse is taking care of Mr. Clyde Galbraith's daughter, Genevieve, who is very ill with pneumonia. Miss Laura Milligan and Mr. George Cooper of Bald Bluff were united in marriage at the home of Mr. And Mrs. C.Bigger east of town. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Milligan and is a graduate from Aurora, Ill. Seminary and has been teaching school in Bald Bluff.

CARMAN CONCERNS: The Rena Vaudeville and moving picture show is billed for Carman all this week. The ferry and barge are making daily trips across the river. Mr. And Mrs. William Bigger are moving to a farm vacated by Mr. And Mrs. Sheldon.

OQUAWKA OCCURRENCES: Wesley Niebling of Moline was called here by the death of his step father, Wm. Wiegand, Sr. Miss Helen Snodgrass of Burlington is visiting her parents while recovering from an operation for appendicitis.

***OBITUARY***WM. WIEGAND: Wm Wiegand, Sr. Died at his home after an illness of several years. He was one of the county's oldest citizens being 88 years of age. He married early in life to Miss Elizabeth Geompler and to this union four children were born: Wm. August and Mrs. Wilson Jamison of Biggsville and Mrs. Minnie Fliege of Oquawka.(The article says four but only three are named unless Wm. and August are two people).

The first wife died some 25 years ago and he later married Mrs. Martha Niebling who survives him with his four children and six step children, thirteen grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church.