The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1916 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916

Stronghurst Graphic, November 23, 1916

***W.A.BALDWIN***W.A.Baldwin, long time businessman of this village and of late a resident of Carrollton, Mo., died at his home there Nov.21st. He had been in rather poor health for about a year and his passing was not altogether unexpected.

The remains were shipped to Stronghurst arriving yesterday and were taken to the C.R.Kaiser home. Funeral services were conducted from the M.E.Church with interment in the local cemetery.

Mr. Baldwin was in his 67th year at the time of his death. He was one of the first men to engage in business in Stronghurst, conducting a restaurant in the building now occupied by Mrs. Rettie Houtchens as a home.

He afterwards was employed for a time at the Dunsworth Bros. store and later entered the grocery business which he followed for several years. Selling this to Wax & Penny, he leased the feed mill and operated it for a year or two.

About eight years ago he decided to locate in the west, finally settling in Carrollton, Mo., where he engaged in business with his son Fred. Mr. Baldwin's wife died at their home here about 10 years ago.

THANKSGIVING SERVICE: A union Thanksgiving service will be held in the Stronghurst Christian Church beginning at 10:30 a.m.

This annual Thanksgiving day address will be delivered by Rev. K.R.Anderson, pastor of the U.P.Church. As this service will probably not be of more than an hour's duration, it will, therefore, not likely delay anyone's Thanksgiving dinner; a good crowd should attend.

1891 STRONGHURST GRAPHIC: Bruce Garrison of Carman had just opened a new barber shop in the village. A young man by the name of Bell who had been working on the Jerry Mizner farm near Old Bedford was found dead in the pasture on that farm by Walter Simonson.

The young man had been dead about a week, his employer believing he had gone to visit his parents at LaHarpe.

A man named Richards who was on his way from Oskaloosa, Iowa, to Peoria, Ill., was held up by two masked highwaymen on the river bottom near the Burlington ferry landing and relieved of $35.00 in money.

Several other holdups had occurred near the same place during the fall. Mr. A. Mains and Geo.Curry, Jr., had just purchased the Stronghurst livery stable and stock from Orr McQuown. Miss Sarah Coffin of Terre Haute purchased four lots in the east part of the village.

Chas. Lundgren was about to leave for a year's visit to his old home in Sweden.

Continuous steady pour of gas escaping for the Stronghurst gas well was establishing confidence in its permanency and visitors from mills, factories and other big enterprises were being entertained.

Mr. Chas. Cortleyou and Miss Laura Curry were married at the home of the bride's parents 3 miles south of the village on Nov.25th. The Mississippi River was closed by ice at Burlington.

LOMAX PAPER ENDS: Publication of the Lomax Herald is to be discontinued according to the Editor Kistner in last week's issue. It appears that the government took the view that it was publication in the interest of a private enterprise and therefore not entitled to admission to the mails under the head of second class matter.

The advance subscriptions will either be returned or credited on future issues of promoter Love's New City publication.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Earl Mahnesmith succeeded in bagging a fine large wild goose out at the Negley farm south of town. The Robb restaurant was sold to Mrs. Allen and the J.R.Marshall farm was purchased by Charles Watson.

Fifteen citizens of Hull, Illinois, have been arrested and placed under bond to appear in court at Quincy to answer to the charge of having performed labor on the Sabbath, in violation of the state law.

A Warsaw, Ill. farmer hauled a load of wheat to the elevator there and received $149.95 for the same.

The Warsaw Bulletin remarks that this is the highest price ever paid for a single load of grain at that place. M.E.Beardsley left for Rochester, Minn.

Where his brother Charles of Tulsa, Okla., will be operated upon at the Mayo institution for stomach trouble.

OQUAWKA OCCURRENCES: In the past election A.F. Fawley received the largest majority of votes ever given a candidate for States Attorney in this county. All youngsters under sixteen years of age are quarantined in their homes on account of one case of scarlet fever. John Mills, the boy who has the disease is getting along nicely. Work has been started on the new hard road starting at the County Farm and ending at the Frank Wood hill. It seems to be a sort of experiment. The farmers seem to think that they would just as soon have the sand for that short stretch.

Funeral services for John Morris were held in Monmouth with interment made in St. Mary's Cemetery. Mr. Morris had been a resident of Oquawka vicinity for a great many years, having lived on the Mrs. J. Kessel farm east of town. He was a good, honest man and his friends will grieve to lose him. He leaves to mourn his death, his wife and six children, Frank, Alfred, Addie, Clara, Marguerite and Eva.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: A state workers for the Anti-Saloon League was here and gave an address at the M.E.Church in the evening to a well filled house. (Prohibition is coming soon.) Arthur Jacobs moved from the Chas. Dowell house to the Neece house. Mr. Jesse Tate is quite poorly from rheumatism.

***OBITUARY***MRS. FRANKLIN GALBRAITH: Mrs. Galbraith, who, as reported the previous week, was overcome by the fumes from a hard coal stove in her home passed away Nov.17th about 4 o'clock. She never regained consciousness after she was found lying in a helpless condition about 11 o'clock. All of her children with the exception of one son who lives in Idaho, were at her bedside when she passed away. The Funeral was held in the M.E.Church with interment in the Olena Cemetery by the side of those of her husband and two children who had passed on before. Six grandsons of the deceased served as pall bearers.

Paradine Fort was born in Henderson County, June 1834, and had lived in this vicinity all her life. She united in marriage to Franklin Galbraith and to this union 10 children were born. Seven sons are left to mourn, namely, Marcellus, Thomas, George, Taylor, Fred and Ralph of Gladstone and Marshall Galbraith of Blackfoot Idaho. A daughter, Mrs. Mary Sell, passed away at Osceola, Ia., several years ago. She is also survived by a brother living in Kansas and a sister living in Ohio and by 37 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.

ALIEN INDIANS GIVEN A HOME: Harve, Montanaöthe stony pathway of the Rocky Boy Indians has at last led to the green sward. Driven about from pillar to post ever since they wandered across the Canadian boundary through Glacier National Park, montana, several years ago as tramp tribesmen of the Cree Nation, this band of 300 red men have had so hard a lot that the nickname fell naturally upon them.

Now, with the opening of the Fort Assiniboine Military Reservation, embracing 200,000 acres near this city, the U.S.goverment will set aside 57,000 acres for them. They are rejoicing in the fact that they are to have a permanent home.

There are about 75,000 acres of tillable land in this tract, and this is to be thrown open to white settlers. The reservation is in the Bear Paw Mountains. Uncle Sam has departed from the regular lottery in the disposition of this land to settlers and applications for parcels may be made at Harve, Montana. (Go West, young man; opportunity awaits-hope the Indians don't mind that you will be their neighbor.)