The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1915 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915

Stronghurst Graphic, Dec. 16, 1915

ALMOST GOT HIM: Mr. F. T. Schierbaum had an experience at the light plant which he probably would not care to repeat. He makes use of a gas producer engine in running his dynamo and while attempting to clean a valve which regulates the flow of gas to the engine was struck in the face by a stream of gas, inhaling a sufficient quantity to almost cause him to lose consciousness. He managed to stagger to the telephone and ring his home, telling his wife to send assistance at once.

Mrs. Schierbaum summoned Dr. Bond and a quick run was made to the plant in the doctor's auto. Mr. Schierbaum was found in a state of collapse. He was placed in the auto and taken home where he recovered in a few hours from the effects of the gas.

1910 GRAPHIC: A great complaint among the farmers was the scarcity of water and well diggers who were in great demand. Mrs. C. P. Davidson and daughter Dulcie had just returned from Danville, Ill. where the mother had undergone cancer treatment. Joseph Dixson and J. W. McKee were in Chicago purchasing stage curtains, scenery and chairs for the new opera house.

Mrs. James Pollock, an old lady living four miles south of Gladstone, sustained a broken thigh when she was knocked down by some unruly colts she was attempting to care for. A Building and Loan Association had just been organized by Mr. Colby from Minneapolis. Stock representing almost $15,000 had been subscribed and the following board of directors elected: D. Dunsworth, J. F. Harter, T. J. Hunter, C. R .Kaiser, W. C. Ivins, W. F. Morey and J. F. Mains. Mains was elected president with Ivins as secretary.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: One case of "red measles" is reported in the village, the victim being Cecil Gibson, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson; the family is quarantined. The neighborhood was somewhat surprised to learn that James DeHague of the Mississippi Valley had tried to commit suicide by the revolver route. Only one of the three shots took effect and that produced a slight flesh wound in the head. He is said to be suffering mentally.

The sleet and snow have caused quite a vacation for the corn huskers. Burlington shoppers are now having go by train as all traffic on the river closed Saturday evening on account of the floating ice.

Mr. Frank Veach and father shipped out a car load of hogs and cattle. The contemplated Christmas entertainment had to be called off on account of measles and scarlet fever; there is talk of a congregational dinner later. Mr. Irlin Lant and family are expecting to move to Iowa in the near future and Mr. Allen and family, formerly of this place, will return and take charge of the village store.

NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS: Rans Rickey from Joliette, N.Dak., reports the country along the Canadian border as being in a prosperous condition. On January 1st the new state law in regard to registering births and deaths will go into effect. Village Clerk Lazear has been appointed registrar for Stronghurst Township. The mercury has hovered around the zero mark one or two mornings of late in this vicinity. A fine 8 lb. boy was born Dec. 15th at the G. W. Barnett home north of town to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Barnett.

LOST: Motorcycle pedals and sprocket, somewhere on the road between Ed Rupert's and Stronghurst. Finder please notify Emil Peterson, Stronghurst.

For Sale: Six-horse International gasoline engine in use two years; also No. 1 "Corn Belt" feed grinder. Inquire of A.L.Brokaw. Round Oak and Riverside ranges-Nichols Hardware. Ten per cent discount of Quick Meal gasoline and kerosene stove at Dixson's.