The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1914 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1913

Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 5, 1914


One of the greatest political contests ever waged in this country in an "off" year was fought out at the polls last Tuesday and when the smoke of battle had cleared away it was found that the republicans had gained ground all along the battle front in many places breaking through the enemies lines and in others outflanking them and doubling the ends back upon the center. (Notice the use of "war" terms to discuss the election. The press was doing their part to prepare the nation for what was ahead.)

While the Democratic party will still be in control of Congress, their majority of 145 in the lower house has been reduced by more than 120. The contest over the Illinois Senatorship seems to be very close between Sherman and Sullivan with Sherman winning.

Complete unofficial returns from the voting precincts of this county show that the republicans elected their candidates for county judge, sheriff and Supt. of Schools, the progressives their candidate for county clerk and the democrats their candidate for county treasurer-Rehling.

Republican candidate Robinson made a remarkable win in the county judge race. Progressive Barnes captured the county clerk position and Republican Knox won the sheriff's contest. Supt. of Schools will be republican Beall. An unusually heavy vote was polled in Stronghurst precinct; nearly every male voter of the township was able to get to the polls.

HALLOWEEN CELEBRATED: The "new thought" in regard to Hallowe'en observances has not made its influence felt to any great extent in Stronghurst. The sight which greeted the eyes of the citizens of Stronghurst last Sabbath morning however would lead one to conclude that the idea still prevalent here is that the eve of "all saints' day" is the proper time for the exhibition of the spirit of maliciousness, envy and spite and a time to "get even" with some one who has incurred the enmity of the celebrator.

There was more injury to property, more exhibitions of indecency and vulgarity manifested than has been the case for years and this despite the fact that three special "policemen" were on the job to assist the marshal in preventing acts of lawlessness. While these guardians of the city's peace were endeavoring to locate the position of the new comet in the northern sky, the celebrators dragged an old building to the public square, labeled it "Court House" and hanged the marshal in effigy in the doorway.

OBITUARY***SAMUEL GALBRAITH*** In the death of Samuel Galbraith which occurred last Thursday night at about 12 o'clock Henderson County lost one of its oldest and most highly respected citizens. Mr. Galbraith would have been 90 years of age had he lived until Nov.6.

He had resided since childhood upon the farm south of Gladstone which was his home at the time of his death. He was born in Tennessee and came when an infant to Illinois with his parents.

The family settled in Morgan County but soon came to Henderson County where they established the home near Gladstone. Mr. Galbraith married Miss Sarah Evans, a sister of the late John Evans of Decorra, and for more than 65 years the couple shared the joys and sorrows of this life together, the aged wife surviving her companion.

To this union were born eleven children: Mrs. Amanda Bell of Henderson, Ia.; James of Emerson, Ia.; Mrs. Minerva Slump, Oakland, Ia.; Mrs. Mary Pratt, Mrs. Evaline Bacon, Carson, Ia.; George, Ohiowa, Neb.; Edward, Oakland, Ia.; William and Clyde, Gladstone, Jennie and Mrs. Clara White at home, all of whom were present at the funeral services. He leaves also 34 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren to mourn his death.

During his long residence in the county Mr. Galbraith made many friends. He was especially the friend of the poor; it is said of him that no man was ever turned away from his door without having received help. Because of this fact, he was sometimes imposed upon. In spite of the fact that he had to pay many security debts, yet he was able to acquire considerable wealth.

He always took a great interest in the welfare of the country and was always found at the polls on election day and at the primary held the 9th of September 1914, he cast his last ballot. Mr. Galbraith was perhaps the oldest Mason in the county, having been made a mason by the lodge at Gladstone in 1869 and when the charter was taken from Gladstone, he moved his membership to Oquawka where he remained a member until his death.

Funeral services were held from the residence Sunday morning Nov.1 with interment in the Olena Cemetery.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A box supper will be held at the school house in the Beckett district, 4 miles southwest of Stronghurst Nov.13th. Everyone is invited and ladies are requested to bring filled lunch boxes. Katie Wheeling, teacher.

Stronghurst Poultry HouseÑI will pay the top prices for chicken and eggs. My poultry house is just across the street from Ed Simpson's residence. Phone 137-Geo. Hoffeditz.

Eggs-I will pay a premium over market prices for white eggs. These must be of good size and strictly fresh laid as they are for city hotel use. Drop me a postal at once stating how many you can supply each week. Will call for them, or you can deliver them in Stronghurst. Can also use a few extra large brown eggs. Will pay spot cash. Write or phone at once. It will pay you to look into this.-Ernest Putney (We know of "gas wars" but in 1914 there must have been an "egg war.")

The firm of Shook & Clark has been dissolved by mutual consent and the restaurant business formerly conducted under that name will be continued by the firm of Shook & Houchen.

Some of our local sportsmen who have been hunting ducks at the river have brought back with them tangible evidence of their prowess in that direction. Nat Curry brought back 13 specimen of the web footed wild fowl and through his courtesy a number of families were able to include roast duck in the menu for dinner the next day. Yoakam now has fine line of mantel clocks on display.

The young ladies of the Swedish Lutheran Church in Stronghurst are preparing to hold a bazaar at the church. The M.E. congregation sent a contribution of between $30-$35 dollars to the "Christmas Ship" fund and also sent a box of gifts in the shape of clothing, blankets, etc. for the innocent sufferers from the European war.

NOTICE is here by given that all three of the drug stores in Stronghurst will be open on Tuesday and Thursday evening I.F.Harter & Co., Wood Hobart, and Foster Lazear.

CARMAN CONCERNS: John Dowell and wife entertained Rev. Smith and family from Terre Haute. Paul Marsden, son of George Marsden, had the misfortune a few days ago to hurt his leg while playing with a buggy and was pushed against a tree; the injury required a doctor to take four stitches to draw the skin over the laceration. Jacob Kullen, a highly respected citizen of this place who had been ill for some time passed away quietly at Burlington Hospital. The 72 year old gentlemen was German descent. He is survived by four step-children. Mr. Gus Magdeburg who made his home with him had done all he could for him. The funeral was held at the church with interment at the cemetery.

OLENA OBSERVATION: John Seins is reported quite ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Alice Schroeder who has been quite ill for some time will be taken to the Burlington Hospital for an operation. Mr. Curry's sale was fairly well attended but did not bring prices up to the expectation. Mrs. Burrell is moving into the United Presbyterian parsonage for the present. Mr. John Marshall's children were home to help celebrate his 93rd birthday.

Considerable hog cholera is reported in the country and the exceedingly short crops caused by the drought are making quite a shortage in the exchequer of the average farmer. The contractors are putting a new bridge west of the village and Charles Watson Jr. is helping with the construction. Terre Haute folks back from Canada include Arthur Bryan, Jean Edmunds and Burr Miller who will all spend the winter here.