The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Illini West School Board: Johnson, Retiring School Teacher Honored

Joy Swearingen, Quill correspondent

Illini West High School board members started their meeting May 25 with a moment of silence to honor the 19 children and 2 teachers killed in a school shooting at Uvalde, Texas, earlier in the week.

“We just had a special work session meeting,” stated board president, John Huston. “A good portion of that time was spent talking about how to secure our campus. We have several things we want to do.”

The board approved a contract with IDEAL Environmental Engineering for asbestos removal engineering services in the gym and industrial arts classroom for $22,000. This involves removing asbestos-containing pipe insulation and fittings from overhead unit vents in the gym and remove asbestos-contining floor tile in the classroom.

The board approved a work change order adding asbestos removal to the work to be done by Veregy, costing $33,550. IDEAL is the asbestos engineering sub-contractor used by Veregy, which will help keep the project moving on schedule.

The board approved a tentative budget amendment which will be open for public comment during a hearing at the start of the next board meeting on June 21.

Superintendent Jay Harnack said the budget changes were due to ESSR grant money received by the district. Federal ESSR (Elementary and Secondary School Relief) grants can be used to pay for needs resulting from Covid concerns.

“As long as we have ESSR grants, we will have budget amendments,” Harnack said. “With these grants, we must spend the money and then they reimburse us. It is really hard to know how that money will flow in and flow out.”

2022-23 fee schedule

The fee schedule for the 2022-2023 school year was approved with most items the same as this year. Student registration fee remains at $125, however, the drivers education fee was increased from $100 to $125. The late registration fee is $10 and handbook replacement fee is $10.

Meal costs are $3 for a student lunch and 40 cents for a reduced lunch; $1.25 for breakfast and 30 cents for reduced c ost. Extra milk is 30 cents and adult lunches are $3.50.

Harnack noted that for the last two years federal government has subsidized lunches for every student. That will end in the fall, so students who are not part of the free and reduced meal plan will pay full price for lunches and breakfasts starting.

The per event adult price for athletic events will raise to $5. Non-IW student and senior (62 and older) price is $2. Athletic passes are $75 for adults, $35 non-IW students, $160 family, and $35 senior citizens.

Salaries for 2022-2023 for staff exempted from contracts were approved. These are $88,200 for high school principal; $63,000 for director of student services; $61,000 for technology coordinator; $47,000 for bookkeeper; $39,520 for district secretary; and $22 per hour for maintenance/transportation.

Harnack told the board that Spanish teacher, Kim Johnson, had been honored on her retirement after 30 years in education, including 15 years at Illini West. The board honored her with a gift.

Principal Jim Short’s report stated that 32 students have signed up for the summer credit recovery plan. It will run May 29 to June 30, Monday through Friday. He reported on many end of school events, such as events students did to help others – the Courageous Smiles track meet, Git’R Done Club community service day, a special education co-op prom, as well as IW prom, awards night and graduation.

Harnack commented on how pleased he was, as someone new to the community, to see the number of scholarship opportunities available to students.

“That is just amazing support for our students from this community,” said Harnack. “And the special education prom was just the best thing. I don’t even know how to put words on that.”

Director of student services Grant Surprenant said that the weekly meetings of ROE truancy officer, Maddie Shutwell, has had a positive effect on student behavior.

In other business, the board: