The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Meet Your Neighbor

BY: Donna Pindell-The Quill

Debbie Gillam

Debbie Gillam is the daughter of MaryLee and the late Earl Taylor of Biggsville then the Media area. Her grandparents were the late C. C. and Marie Hemminger of Media and Oscar and Belva Taylor near Bald Bluff.

Debbie lived near Biggsville until she was 7, then moved to near Media. She grew up here in West Central Illinois.

Her mother, MaryLee lives in Stronghurst and her brother Craig and his wife, Diana live near Media.

Debbie has a daughter Julianna Gillam (Jules) that lives in Quincy.

Debbie attended Media Wever and Southern schools and attended Culver-Stockton College with a major in Elementary Education.

From January 1977 to June 1977, Debbie taught 2nd grade in Normal. Then from 1977 to 1980, she taught 5th grade in Hannibal, MO. After that, she came back home and taught at Southern Junior High from 1980 to 2005. Her last position was at West Central Middle School from 2005 to 2010.

She retired from teaching in 2010, but worked part time at the Henderson County Library from September 2014 to September 2019.

Debbie takes joy in volunteering although the pandemic is making that difficult. She also likes to put together jigsaw puzzles, color, walk, does yoga, bake, and gardens. She appreciates spending time with friends and family.

Debbie has been privileged to have gone on many special vacations. In 1981, she went on a farm tour with her parents to seven European countries. In 2015, Julianna and Debbie traveled to Ireland, Wales and England.

Debbie has been on a Carribean and Alaskan cruise, traveled to Mexico and to the Dominican Republic. She has also traveled to many states.

Last September, Julianna and Debbie took a bus trip to a few New England states and the foliage was beautiful.

Debbie said her outlook on life is, "Be joyful, be thankful, never stop praying!"