The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Raritan Board Sets Trick or Trick Night

At the regular meeting of the Village of Raritan board, on October 10th, the board voted to set Trick or Treat night on October 31st from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Clerk Jim Blender, who led in the Pledge of Allegiance and also in prayer.

Bills presented were: Phil Anders $94.00; Dennis Rankin $200.00; Dallas Rural Water $464.44; Waste Management $1,135.60; Blender Mowing $1,000.00; Murphy's Septic $160.00; Display Sales $1,281.00; Eagle Enterprises $100.00; Henderson County Highway Department $2,334.27; PDC $20.00; Cavanaugh Davies $4,250.00. On a motion to approve by Dwayne Magee, seconded by Phil Anders, motion carried.

Old business:

New business:

Present was: Trustees Phil Anders, Dwayne Magee, Kim Nisius; Clerk Jim Blender; Visitor Chris Nisius