The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Looking At New Signs

At the regular meeting of the Village of Biggsville on November 1st, Bill Ewing presented two signs for the village. Everyone chose the New England Style. We will discuss different colors and bring it back at the next meeting to vote on. We will need to make sure we can still put the sign up outside of town.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Brian Sterett with the pledge of allegiance.

Open Forum: Brian and the board thanked Jody Bishop and her daughter for organizing and supervising the Halloween wiener roast. They also we thanked Bill Ewing for designing the caution signs for the village to make it safer for our youth.

Dick made a motion to accept the minutes, bills and treasurer report, Nanci 2nd, motion carried.

The park restrooms will be winterized within the next two weeks. James is looking into repairing the hole in the road by the library. The funeral home has a water line that needs to be located. The water is not flowing properly.

Jody took up the flowers at Reed Park for the winter and will replant them in the spring. The apple tree has been taken down.

Old Business:

James went over the duties of the part time employee. They would be doing the water reading for the lagoon and lift stations each day and turning off and on water at residents. Shane Reed can run the Christmas light power to the lines for $200.00 to $250.00. Nanci made a motion we use Shane Reed to run power to the new pole. Dick 2nd, motion carried. The Lions Club shelter at the ballpark is going to be taken down for free. We have contacted a plumber to come in and give us an estimate on the plumbing on the new handicapped bathroom.

New Business:

Nanci made a motion to approve the Tax Levi Ordinance Kathie 2nd motion carried. Don Simmons will put the trim down on the community building. We will meet December 15th at 6 p.m. to put the Senior Christmas Baskets together. We will deliver them Saturday December 16th.

Jim Miller asked to use the Community Building on Tuesday evenings for Boy Scout Troop 60. Diane made a motion we allow them to use the building, Kevin 2nd motion carried.

Nanci made a motion to adjourn at 8:36 p.m. Kevin 2nd, motion carried.

Members present were: Kathie Curtiss, Richard Golf, Diane Gonzalez, Kevin Motimer, Brian Sterett, and Nanci Sterett. Other present were: Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; and James Rogers.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy L. Gravgaard,

Biggsville Village Clerk