The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central School Board Approves Tentative Tax Levy

The board approved the Tentative 2016 Tax Levy as presented at the regular board meeting on Tuesday, November 15th. This year's tentative tax levy calls for an extension amount of $5,141,459 which is an increase over the 2015 levy extension amount of 4.97%. The Tentative 2016 Tax Levy is now on display in the District Office. The board will vote to approve the Final 2016 Tax Levy at the December 14, 2016, board meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 the West Central Elementary School cafeteria by Board President Lonnie Brent. All board members except Paul Anderson and Mike Lenahan were present at roll call.

President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Under Good News Items the following items were highlighted:

The meeting agenda was approved and the Consent Agenda. Items approved under the Consent Agenda included the following:

In other business the board:

They took the following action in regards to personnel:

The board adjourned their meeting at 8:08 p.m.