The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Oquawka Street Project Coming In Under budget

By Sally Day for the Quill

The Schuyler Street Project is coming in under budget, according to Jared Fluhr, with the MSA Engineering Group. Fluhr told the Oquawka Village Board this at the Monday night meeting, October 6, 2014. He told board members the project was between $60,000 and $90,000 under the proposed budget.

Fluhr gave the board a funding payment overview, which was spread out over the past 13 months. He requested they pass a motion to pay the most recent payment application of $99,865.13 to Laviediere. The board passed this motion.

It was noted that Attorney Andy Doyle was asked to come early to the meeting to attempt to reach Laverdiere Construction, Macomb, who was the construction company working on the project. They could not be reached by phone.

In unrelated business, the board discussed the water bill rate increase. They had tabled this discussion from last month. The board asked visitors attending the meeting if they had any questions or anything to add to the discussion regarding the increase. No one spoke up. Scott Ray made the motion and Robert Eldridge seconded to increase the water rate to $15.00 for the first 1,000 gallons of water and $2.50 for each additional 1,000 gallons of water. The raise will take effect January 1, 2015. The motion passed unanimously. Attorney Doyle reminded residents that an additional infrastructure charge will be determined and added to the water bills very soon.

During his Police Report, Chief Keith DeJaynes mentioned the following activities: Criminal Arrests - Domestic Battery, 2; Battery, 1; Criminal Trespass, 1; Agency Assists - County Assists, 3; Ambulance Assists, 4; Domestic - Domestic Calls, 6; Civil Disturbances, 1; Tavern Calls, 3; Ordinance - Junk Violations, 7; Golf Cart Inspections, 1; Traffic - Speeding Citations, 1; Stop Sign Citations, 1; Operating Without Insurance Citation, 1; No Safety Glasses on Motorcycle, 1; Illegal Squealing/Screeching of Tires, 1; Driving on Suspended Driver License, 1; No Valid Driver License, 1; Other Calls, 43; Warrants, 1. Fuel 154.6 gallons. Mileage 1,503.1. Fines $800.00. Board member Nancy Bundy requested more information pertaining to individuals who have junk violations against them. Chief DeJaynes agreed to discuss it with her further after the meeting.

In other business, the board: