The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

City Council Begins New Year

The first city council meeting in 2014 was held on Monday, January 13, 2014 at the La Harpe City Hall.

Water department employee Tim Graves told the council that they are still working on the valves at the water plant uptown.

A bid was received for two valves and controllers for $2300. They are waiting on an estimate for an Allen Bradley screen (like that was put on the panel at the water plant at the reservoir), two valves and controllers. Graves hopes to have this estimate at the next meeting.

The city has had 5 water main breaks since the 1st of the month. One in front of the grade school, one by the cafeteria, one on North Center Street, one on North 4ths street and on two blocks south of the old Tastee Freez.

A publication for hunting lease bids has been in the newspapers and bids are due on January 31st.

Two bids were given for the taking down of a tree on South G Street in front of the Jerry Burford residence. The bid for $600 from Chris Akers Tree Service was accepted. The tree in front of the property has to be removed for work to begin on the intersection this spring. Two other intersections are slated to be redone this spring are South 4th street and South 5th street.

A motion was passed to leave Burlington Avenue alone.

Estimates will be taken to replace the city's backhoe.

Bids will be taken until February 7, 2014 for a twenty-two month contract for mowing in the city cemetery and the city park. All bids will be opened on February 10th.

The city is looking into ways to replace water pipes and mains in the city either with bonds, or raising water rates. Past attempts at grants have failed.

The council passed a motion for McClure Engineering for a contract for miscellaneous work.

A motion was also passed to get flashing lights for the four city trucks.

The next city council meeting will be on Monday, January 27, 2014.