The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Village Of Raritan

November 14, 2013 Raritan Board Meeting.

The Raritan Village Board of Trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House November 14, with trustees Sammy Blender, Dwayne Magee, Gary Powless, Rob Williamson, Richard Knapp, President Earl Waller and Clerk Sammy Blender answering roll call and saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Blender opened with prayer. Minutes and Bills were approved as follows: Phil Anders $105.00; Waste Management $986.00; Ameren IP $2230.21; Dennis Rankin $185.40; Dallas Rural Water $546.44; PDC $16.00; Murphy's $200.00; Amber Ray $40.25; Display Sales $1,222.00; HD Supply Waterworks LTD $238.21; Carlyn Anders $55.00; Gary Powless $80.00; Cavanaugh, Davies, Blackman & Cramblet $3900.00.

The Christmas lights had been received and November 30th, at 8:30 a.m. was set to put up the Christmas decorations.

The annual audit prepared by Cavanaugh, Davies, Blackman & Cramblet was passed out for review by the trustees, and then approved. The meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting.