The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City-Wide Clean-Up Day Nears

The La Harpe City Council met on Monday, April 22, 2013 at the La Harpe City Hall.

The pond out at Timberview went over during the storm and caused some damage to the dam. City Engineer Eric Moe will take a look at it and give a report back to the city on what he believes should be done.

A resolution was passed to use Motor Fuel Tax dollars to fix three of the cities intersections. It will cost approximately $90,000, with each intersection costing $30,000 a piece to be fixed.

Moe said the intersection of G Street will be the most difficult. A motion was also passed to accept the agreement with McClure Engineering to prepare and design the plans to do the intersections.

Moe noted that the lift station on Archer Avenue was full from last Thursday's storm and still had some water on Friday. Hydroview out of Burlington, IA, televised more sewers on April 22 and found one on Main Street inundated with tree roots, they also viewed one on Monmouth road, that was plugged and created the majority of the flooding on Monmouth Road during last week's storm.

There is also a problem with flooding on First Avenue by the AGAPE church. This storm sewer is clay and over 100 years old.

It is in bad shape and also an inadequate size for a storm drain. As this particular storm sewer has been looked at before, Moe will prepare estimates on a way to get it fixed.

The water main west of G street on the South side of the highway is not in conflict with the work that IDOT will be doing with the removal of the Y intersection.

Although it is fairly close, 10 feet within the planned storm sewer, it does not need to be relocated.

City Wide Clean-Up Day is May 10th.

There is a sink hole on South 5th Street down by the railroad tracks that needs repaired. City employees will check into it and get it fixed. There are also several bad potholes on North 1st street that need repaired.

There has been a request to return the stop signs that were removed on Third Avenue going East and West because there is a lot of traffic with children playing.

There was a reminder that there is still memorial money for a sign to the entrance to the cemetery. There will be a committee meeting in the near future on this matter.

The Smithsonian Institute in November of 2014 will be bringing a display to Carthage about Hometown Sports. The other communities in Hancock County have also been asked if they would participate in this venture and have a display in their town as well to help bring people in to the cities.

Mayor Brown met with Kevin from W.I.R.C with a possible grant application-to help pay for the water meters the city employees have been installing the last few months.

Moe will get ahold of McDonough County and see when they are going to be able to bring their machine to town and fill the potholes.

The council expressed their thank you to council woman Vicki Burford for her 16 years of service to the city with a beautiful flower and a watch.