The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Henderson County GOP Announces

2012 Lincoln Day Dinner March 5th

Henderson County Republicans join to meet their new State House representative

The Henderson County Republicans will host their annual Lincoln Day Dinner at Terre Haute Christian Church on March 5th, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.

Local elected officials and candidates will attend. Special Speakers will be State Rep. Jil Tracy and State Senate candidate Randy Frese.

State Rep. Jil Tracy is currently serving in her third term for the 93rd House District. She is an attorney, who worked in private practice in Mt. Sterling from 1980 until she was chosen to serve as an Assistant Attorney General and Regional Director of the West Central Regional office of then Attorney General Jim Ryan. Rep. Tracy began serving as State Representative in June, 2006. She serves as minority spokesperson for both the House Judicial I Civil Law and Labor committees and she serves on the Financial Institutions, Public Utilities and Tourism committees.

After the legislative redistricting that occurred last year, Tracy will run in the newly formed 94th legislative district that consists of all of Adams, Hancock, and Henderson County and a major portion of Warren County. "I am excited about the new area I will represent if I am reelected," said Tracy. "The concerns of the new 94th District are similar to those of my old district - the State's terrible financial condition, river issues, transportation infrastructure, and agriculture and agribusiness needs. These are vital issues to Western Illinois and will continue to be my focus for as long as the voters continue to send me back to Springfield to represent them."

Rep. Tracy and her husband Jim now live in Quincy and have 4 adult children.

State Senate candidate Randy Frese will also be a speaker. Frese currently serves as Adams County Circuit Clerk. He and his wife Ronda reside in Paloma, Illinois and have 3 adult children.

"I have enjoyed the many opportunities that I have had to spend time in Henderson County since I announced my candidacy this past August. The State of Illinois faces serious financial challenges," said Frese. "My candidacy is focused on returning Illinois to the point where the State's bills get paid on time, the business climate is attractive to new growth and expansion, and that it isn't done by crippling the taxpayers with additional debt and even higher tax rates," Frese concluded.

Prior to his service in elected office, Frese operated a series of entrepreneurial small businesses and worked in agribusiness. Randy and Ronda are both graduates of Western Illinois University with degrees in Agriculture and Education, respectively. Ronda teaches family and consumer sciences at Central High School in Camp Point, Illinois, and Randy has served as Adams County Republican County chairman and is active in his church and the Quincy Exchange Club.