The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, May 5, 1921

CINDERELLA IN FLOWERLAND: The entertainment given by the grade pupils of the Stronghurst school last Saturday evening at the Lyric theater and repeated on Tuesday evening was one which reflected much credit upon the performers and the teachers who gave so much thought and labor to its preparation and presentation. The principal feature of the program was "Cinderella in Flowerland." (Long list of all who participated and parts they played is included in the article.)

The stage of the Lyric had been transformed into a veritable fairyland under the skillful hands of the decorators and the costuming of the children to represent the various parts taken made the different scenes presented wonderfully beautiful and attractive. The second part of the program consisted of songs and folk dances by the children, all of which were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. The Saturday crowd taxed the capacity of the theater while also a good audience attended the repetition. A very nice sum was realized for the school library.

NEW BOARD OF REVIEW: By virtue of his selection as chairman of the County Board of Supervisors at their recent meeting, C. H. Curry of Stronghurst becomes the chairman of the Board of Review of Henderson County. The other two members of the board are C. W. Cooper of Bald Bluff and John Simonson of Raritan Township. These gentlemen are all men whose experience in farming and general business which make them well qualified for the task.

-OBITUARY-HELEN R. STEWART: Miss Helen Richey Stewart passed away at the home of her niece, Mrs. Anna Simpson at Minneapolis, Minn. on April 30 1921, aged 80 years, 8 months and 10 days. The remains were shipped to Stronghurst and funeral services were conducted at the home of W. J. McElhinney with interment in the Walnut Grove Cemetery beside those of her sister, the late Mrs. Samuel McElhinney. The deceased was a native of New York State having been born near Greenwich, Washington County, N.Y. August 11, 1840. While never a resident of this vicinity, she was in former years a frequent visitor at the home of relatives in the Walnut Grove neighborhood. Her niece, Mrs. Simpson, accompanied the remains to Stronghurst.

PARENT TEACHERS MEETING: The recently organized local Parent teachers Association met in the assembly room at the high school to hear the report of the committee on constitution and by-laws and complete the plans of the organization.; these were adopted as presented by the committee. The membership roll was opened and 21 signatures were obtained. Various committees were formed as needed. As the membership fee in the local organization is but 25 cents per year, it is hoped that all parents and teachers and others interested in closer home and school cooperation will join the movement.

1896 GRAPHIC: James Dixon, one of Henderson County's best known and most prosperous farmers, passed away at his home north of Carman on April 29th after 12 years of suffering from paralysis. The contract for putting up the poles for the 30 miles of new line for the Henderson County Telephone Co. was awarded to Lafe Simpson of this place. Dr. M. S. Hooper, a former Stronghurst physician, died at his home in Burlington, Iowa on April 29th. An ordinance granting Mr. S. W. Carothers permission to construct and maintain an electric lighting plant in Stronghurst and to erect poles and string wires on the streets was passed by the village council on May 1st. At an election the proposition of providing for a $2,000 addition to the Stronghurst public school building by the issuing of 6% bonds was carried by a vote of 56 to 1. Representatives of the Christian Church in the Military Tract held a three day convention here from May 5-7. George Brewer was getting material on the ground for the erection of a two-story brick residence in the west part of the village. John Overman, a grandson of Mrs. Margaret Foote, met death by being run over by a train at Murry, Iowa.

OPINION FROM THE PAST: The undersigned has been debating in his mind whether to make any reply to the article appearing in last week's Graphic relative to "breaking and entering" the school building. In the majority of such cases the wiser course is to say nothing and let the affair be forgotten as quickly as possible. As such action implies guilt, it is not resorted to in this case. In the first place, no locks, bolts, windows or doors were broken to gain an entrance to the building, yet in the eyes of the law such entrance was "breaking and entering." The school board, therefore, was obliged to resort to a technicality to find the youngsters guilty. The writer has investigated the case with considerable thoroughness and believes this statement should be made in justice to the young people involved. The statement is not made to justify such acts nor to condone such offenses, but is a protest against the evident desire of people to besmirch the fair name of some of these young people on circumstantial evidence which we consider misleading. Our investigation leads us to the conclusion that if any improper act was committed, aside from entering the building without consent from the proper authorities, it was done by one individual and was not known to any other members of the party for nearly a week afterward. It may be proper to state in this connection that if all the young people in the town who have assembled at the school building in the evenings for frolics during the past five years without permission of the authorities should be placed under arrest for the offense, the net would catch perhaps forty or fifty and the number would include many of the best and most reputable young people in the community. The original statement in the Graphic for publication and which was revised by the editor contained a falsehood that was both malicious and contemptible. The author of this statement is not trying to whitewash anyone. He is not given to brainstorms nor hallucinations and is not inclined to accept with meekness a rebuke from people, some of whom are making notable and conspicuous failures in bringing up their own children in the way in which they should go. Owing to prejudices which seem to be indigenous to the soil here and which are about as hard to eradicate as quack grass, the young people of Stronghurst are somewhat handicapped in their social affairs and are reduced to the necessity of going to other towns for social enjoyment where such matters are more happily administrated. One of these towns is Oquawka and we are informed that Judge Gordon is a leading spirit in these social functions. Could he have been acquainted with all the circumstances in this case, we have wondered if the judge would have fined more than one of the young men who came before him. It is probable that the climax in this matter might have came at an earlier date but for the fact that on most occasions one or more of the sons or daughters of members of the school board were participants in the festivities. A little knowledge of this affair seems to be a dangerous thing and has been particularly effective in exciting imaginations. But a more through knowledge of what transpired clears the atmosphere very perceptibly, especially with all those who are not too pious to be just.---An Interested Party (Three boys and three girls are said to have broken into the school building for fun the week before this issue; the three boys confessed, were charged and pled guilty and paid a fine of $25 each. The girls were named as companions but not charged. Evidently, local ire was aroused and this letter to the editor made a later paper.)

AN ENJOYABLE SCHOOL EVENT: "Rumor" said that on April 30th a picnic and entertainment in School District No. 31, being the last day of Miss Wheeling's school, was planned. Having heard something of her fame as a teacher and the entertainments she gave her pupils occasionally, for this and other reasons I was anxious to attend. One reason was that years ago, 1852, I, as a pupil, attended the first term of the school that was taught in the above district. At that date teachers wages were from $12 to $15 per month and they boarded around with patrons. There were only a few families in the district and they all lived in very plain log cabins, in fact, at that time there was only one small frame house in the district.

Owing to the busy season it was supposed there would be a very small attendance; but to our surprise on arriving at the school house we found several autos and more coming, all ladened with old and young, friends and patrons, also well filled baskets with good things to eat such as the ladies of that district know how to prepare. When the hour for the entertainment arrived, we found between 60-70 present; in fact, every foot in the school room was occupied.

The school was called to order and an address of welcome was given by one of the pupils; this was followed by songs, readings and a play entitled "Mother Wins" which created considerable merriment. All the exercises gave credit alike to both the teacher and the pupil. During the exercises among other mottoes and the following one on the black board attracted my attention: "If you face the world with courage, then you'll find a helping hand. Take your place among the foremost; they'll allow you room to stand. Those who struggle wear the garlands, only cowards sit and sigh. In the din of Life's great battle, those who win are those who try."

The patron and directors have shown their appreciation of Miss Wheeling by employing her for another year at a higher salary.

At the close of the exercises which were highly enjoyed by all present, dinner was announced to be served on the lawn to which all did justice, even to the ice cream provided by the teacher and thus has passed into a history a very pleasant day for District No. 31, made so by the physical, mental, moral and social efforts of the teacher, Miss Marguerite Wheeling.-One Who Was There. (What a rousing appreciation of a good teacher!)

A QUIET WEDDING: Mr. Lucius E. McAndrews and Miss L. Marie Davidson, two of Stronghurst's most popular young people quietly took their departure for Galesburg where they were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Following the ceremony they took a train for Chicago where they will spend a brief honeymoon. Both the bride and groom have been employed in the E. R. Grandey Store in Stronghurst for the past two years and their circle of friends is a large one.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Davidson of Stronghurst. She was educated in the Stronghurst Schools, the Knox Conservatory at Galesburg and the Macomb Normal. She is an accomplished musician and the possessor of a voice of unusual quality, which has been often heard at religious gatherings, public entertainments and social functions. Her good taste and judgment in matters pertaining to feminine apparel combined with a natural aptitude for business has made her a valued employee in the Grandey Store.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McAndrews of Dallas City, Ill. He served his country both on this side and in France during the war, being at first assigned to coast artillery duty at Fort Rosecrans near San Diego, Calif. and later transferred to France where he served with the 54th Ammunition Train of the C.A.C. Following the close of the war and his discharge from the service, he came to Stronghurst and accepted employment with the Grandey Dry Goods Store where his service have been both faithful and efficient and where his unfailing courtesy and affability have won him many friends. The couple will make their home in Stronghurst and for the present both will remain in the employ of the Grandey Store.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: George Rhoads, one of our soldier boys, is in Chicago receiving treatment in a hospital there. Mrs. Fran Jacob went to Albert Lea, Minn. to visit with her father, Mr. John Kisner and other relatives. Charles Kemp shipped a carload of cattle to Chicago. Gay's tent show is to show here on the Liberty Park ground near the depot. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Galbraith and daughter, Mrs. Elmer Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Tribler, Mr. and Mrs. Will Forgey, Mrs. Amy Lewis, Mrs. Charles Forward and Iona Simpson attended the Eastern Star banquet in Oquawka.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: T.H. Trimbal, high school inspector from the State University was at the high school doing some inspecting. Mr. Walter Snyder of New London, Iowa, is the new operator at the station and takes the place formerly run by A. L. Thompson. Leland Nesbit, who has been at the home of his folks at Bowen, Ill. since his operation, came home and soon expects to take up work in Galesburg. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee were in Chicago attending a house warming given by the Universal Film Co. Ed Claybaugh is having a new garage erected on his premises in the south part of town. The Community and Country Club held a meeting to see about having an exchange to make some extra money for emergency fund for the Chautauqua which is to be held the middle of June here. The graduates of the high school finished their final examinations.

***OBITUARY*** Mrs. Tempa Coats Clark was laid to rest in Carman Cemetery Monday afternoon. Those in attendance from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coats of Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchens of Ft. Madison; Mr. Frank Coats of St. Louis; Mrs. Cleo Morrison of Burlington and many friends.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Mrs. Joe Starkey who has been suffering with rheumatism is improving. Henry Gittings and family, who have been living south of town, are moving to Burlington. M. O. Peterson has gone to Hannibal, Mo. where he has employment. Fred McKim, who recently purchased property and moved to Lomax, is preparing to move to La Harpe. A play called "The Thread of Destiny" will be given by local talent at the Lomax Opera House.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS; Mrs. C. G. Richey is seriously ill at her home west of town and a trained nurse is caring for her; her children have been sent for. Mr. C. R. Richey shipped a large quantity of wool to market. Carl H. Nelson of Blandinsville was in town making his purchase of seed from the seed company. The Methodist Sunday School made an effort to have an attendance of 100 at Sunday School. Sabbath day and despite the threatening weather all they had was 99. The carpenters commenced remodeling the Terry house recently purchased by Mr. Tom Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pogue of Fairfield, Iowa were called here by the sickness and death of his brother, James Pogue. The Rankin School west of town that has been taught the past year by Miss Anna LaVelle closed Friday (Section 5, Media Township). Mr. Jim Tate of Missouri, who has been working at the depot, gave up is position and returned to his home; Mr. Long from Stronghurst is taking his place. Mrs. Bernice Rodin has been quite ill the past week. Mr. Clifford Hickman of Media and Miss Florence Lee were married April 30th; the happy couple will reside with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee for the present.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The "Kumjoynus" class of the M. E. Sabbath School enjoyed an evening of social intercourse and games at the A. E. Moore home in the village. A large number was in attendance at the tea given by the Willing Workers of the U. P. Church. During the social hour Miss Gail Brook gave a reading which was much enjoyed. Refreshments of angel food cake and brick ice cream were served. The color scheme of pink and white was carried out throughout the affair. The room was tastefully decorated with potted plants. Mr. and Mrs. John Ewing are improving their residence property on Broadway by a coat of paint. The sum of $537 was paid out by the county last year for sheep killed by dogs. If every dog found not wearing a license number was dealt with according to law, there would undoubtedly be a smaller damage bill for the county. Mrs. Sarah Kelley Talliferro of Roseville, one of the few remaining early settlers of Raritan, sustained a broken hip when she slipped and fell on the polished floor of her home; she was taken to the Monmouth Hospital for treatment.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The Media Garage is open for your patronage. Mrs. Guy Leinbach is the happy possessor of a new Ford touring car, a gift from her father. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bowen of Aledo were Sunday guests of relative in town, driving through in a new Ford touring car. H.N. Vaughan and H. A. Adair returned from a visit to the cattle country of western Texas where they negotiated the sale of several carloads of fine Henderson County Hereford cattle. A number of oil leases in this vicinity acquired by an oil prospecting company something over a year ago have been returned to the farm owners. This would seem to be evidence that there is to be no prospecting attempted for a time at least.

Two payments had been made on the leases before they were forfeited.

A state inspector dropped into Stronghurst and after a little investigation started prosecution against some of our egg dealers for selling eggs which were unfit for use. The inspector stated that a vigorous campaign against the traffic in stale and rotten eggs had been instituted and that no distinction would be made between farmers, store keepers or egg dealers in the matter of prosecution.

Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Groome of Denver, Colo. have received folders issued by the Central Presbyterian Church of Denver containing program of special Easter services held in the church and at which time 100 new members were received. Forty of these were admitted by certificate, including Mr. and Mrs. Groome from the Colorado Springs church. The financial statement of the church showed $33, 459.83 raised last year, $7,500 ($89, 175 in today's values) of which was the pastor's salary.

Just arrived at Lovitt's Grocery are some new imported Swedish Brown Beans. Circuit Clark Walter P. Martin was in this end of the county conducting business to do with the naturalization of some recent applicants for citizenship in the U.S. Homer Burden, formerly of this place and now living in Davenport, Iowa, is reported to be lying in critical condition in a hospital in that city following an operation for appendicitis. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon White at their home in Media on April 25; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bricker of Raritan neighborhood have graciously accepted the honor of grandparents.

Farmers' wives in this vicinity are quite busily engaged in looking after the newly hatched little chickens. Mrs. Elmer Davis of Decorra neighborhood reports having 300 chicks to date.

Ed Brewer went to Galesburg to witness a big initiation ceremony in the M.W.A. camp and to represent Henderson County at the state convention there. The Monmouth Daily Atlas said: "Several hundred hungry baseball fans braved the elements to go watch the Monmouth Independents trim the fast semi-pro team of Stronghurst by the score of 7 to 5. The game only sent 5 innings being called by the umpire on account of too much moisture. H.F. McAllister of Oquawka celebrated hi 81st birthday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. A. Greer in Monmouth. The monthly meeting of the Henderson County Farm Bureau was held at the Farm Bureau office with the following in attendance: C. W. Cooper of Bald Bluff, Clyde Duke of Rozetta, C. A. Tharp of Carman, J. U. Vaughan of Lomax, Wm. Whiteman of Gladstone, Wm. Stevenson of Biggsville and B. G. Widney of Stronghurst.

The remains of Ermal Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, former residents of Terre Haute now living in Chicago were interred in the Terre Haute Cemetery on April 28 following funeral services held at the Terre Haute Church. Miss Allen's death occurred very suddenly in Chicago on April 26th.

--OBITUARY--JAMES S. POGUE: James Smiley Pogue was born near Media, Ill., March 23, 1856 and departed this life April 29, 1921, aged 65 years, 1 month and 6 days. He was the son of John and Elizabeth Pogue, who were early settlers in this community. He and his twin brother, John Pogue, Jr., were the youngest of a family of 7 children, four of whom have preceded him into the world beyond, leaving Thomas Pogue of Fairfield, Ia. and John Pogue of Media, Ill together with a large numbers of relatives and friends to mourn their loss.

Mr. Pogue had been a life long resident of Media Township and active in the forward interest of the community. In his early boyhood he was seriously afflicted with rheumatism, the after effects of which left his an invalid during the greater part of his life. While he was unable to lead an active business life, yet by his frugal and constructive habits he built up a large fortune ranking among the largest freeholders in the community.

He was a staunch prohibitionist and was outspoken against all vices and dishonest practices in life. He confessed his faith in Christ and united with the United Presbyterian Church of Walnut Grove which afterwards merged into the present United Presbyterian Church of Media of which he became a charter member. He also was a liberal contributor to the building of the church besides being a liberal supporter of the ordinance and missionary activities of the church. Owing to the nature of his affliction he was unable to attend church as regularly as he would have like, but he often expressed the hope that he would be able in the near future to be in his place as in former days. He was a daily reader of his Bible and loved it promises and Jesus, his Lord. His last words sum up his faith in God when he said, "I know that my Redeemer liveth."

Mr. Pogue was unmarried and for the most part of his life he made his home with his brother John, who with Lena, his faithful wife, did everything they could to relieve his last lingering sickness. Funeral services were conducted May 1st at the church with interment in the Stronghurst Mausoleum.

SCHOOL PLAY AT MEDIA: "The Mountain Meadow" or "Peter, the Goat Boy," a play and pageant will be given by the students of the Media grade school the evening of May 10th under the direction of Mrs. Hoffman. This is a health play consisting of four acts. Entertainment between acts will consist of singing by the Grade pupils and a short operetta entitled "Seven Little Dolls just over from Japan." Proceeds will go towards putting in electric lights in the public school.

A UNIQUE CONTEST: The George Dixson Hardware and Implement firm put on a unique contest during the month of April. A number of Disston saws of several varieties, ranging from large cross cuts to small hack saws were placed on exhibition in a show window and prizes offered for the nearest guesses to the number of teeth contained in the display. The contest closed on May 2nd and when the guesses were opened, Cecil Billups had made the closest guess. The total number of teeth was 2733 and Cecil's estimate was 2740. He received a nice aluminum kettle as a reward. Pauline Wallin and Robert Steffey tied for second place with guesses of 2716 and 2750 respectively; they each received a pyrex pie plate. The third prize of a pyrex cake plate went to Arthur Forbes on his guess of 2760 while Almer Negley won the fourth prize of a granite pan with a guess of 2772.