The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Letter to Editor

Dear Editor,

Re: Dr. Roberta Robbins

As a public school graduate of the state of Illinois (Heyworth High School, 1983), I understand the importance of receiving a quality education.

This is why I am urging you to vote for Dr. Roberta Robbins as a school board member for the West Central District #235 in Henderson County.

As a lifelong educator, Roberta is dedicated to providing our children with the proper training and education that they will need to succeed in tomorrow's workplace.

In her career as a university professor, Roberta worked extensively with her students to develop their critical thinking skills, their problem-solving skills, and their written and oral expression skills and she believes these skills are equally vital to the education of our children.

In her career as a university administrator, Roberta dealt daily with the financial, legal, and social issues associated with public school education and is well-versed in the challenges that public schools currently face.

Her experience as a teacher and administrator has led her to amass a proven record of success in teaching and mentoring students of all ages. Coupled with her ability to work well with others, her willingness to listen to and consider all points of view, and her work ethic, Roberta possesses the traits that are desirable in a school board member.

Please consider voting for Dr. Roberta Robbins to serve as one of your school board members.

Scott A. Myers, Ph.D.

Morgantown, West Virginia

Professor, West Virginia University

President, Central States Communication Association

Dear Editor,

Should Hancock County voters support the referendum to levy .03 cents per $100 of assessed valuation to support Economic Development? I say YES and here is why:

What are some of the causes? There are many but these are the principal ones:

So what will our Action Plan be should the voters approve this referendum?

Where do we see some possible opportunities at this time? Alternative Energy products and bio-fuels, regional tourism, promote local entrepreneurship, locally grown foods, and supply companies/vendors of current industry in the area. We have to look for leads and opportunities wherever possible.

I've been told by several voters that this county needs jobs and to control spending. Your county board has attempted to do this with this effort. If we want to continue with the declining trends that we have seen over the last few decades, then we should do nothing. If we want to slow down, stop or reverse this decline, then we need to support every effort to do so.

The bottom line is that if we want to RETAIN and CREATE jobs in and for Hancock County, we need to put forth every effort to do so. Please vote yes when you go to the polls on Tuesday, April 5th.

If the voters of Hancock County pass this levy, we would welcome any ideas from the people of our county. We are all in this together and together we can develop viable new businesses and job opportunities.

Jerry Bartell

Hancock Co. Board Member