The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City Council

by Christy Kienast, The Quill

At the March 14th meeting of the La Harpe City Council, Mayor Kenneth Brown called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with all council members present with the exception of Vicki Burford.

The board conducted the regular business for the City which included awarding the bid of painting the water tower to Central Tank Coatings of Elgin, IA

City Engineer George Russell of McClure Engineering Associates, Inc. of Macomb explained that the exterior will be blasted with high water pressure to clean off the old paint but leave the primer. They will then coat the entire tank with a coat of primer and then it will receive 2 coats of paint.

He said the inside of the tank needs no work at this time, and it should take no more than two to three weeks, weather permitting, according to Russell.

The last time the water tower was painted was roughly 13-15 years ago. The board agreed to notify neighbors when this process will begin.

The board also approved paying McClure Engineering, the engineering fees for the water tower exterior painting project.

Tim Graves reported that the up-town water plant has switched from a gas chlorine application to a liquid chlorine system for water treatment - "a lot safer," according to Mayor Brown.

Wayne Humphrey requested to meet with the Street committee and Eric Moe of McClure Engineering Associates, Inc. to address the city street situation.

In new Business:

Mayor Brown will set up a meeting with Glacial Energy concerning the city bill.

The short meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.

The next scheduled meeting will be Monday, March 28, at 7:00 p.m. at the upstair's level of City Hall.

Present at this meeting were: Alderman Todd Irish, Brian Lovell, Darrell Kraft, Marcia Stiller, Michael Bennett; Treasurer Marcia Neff; Clerk Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor Kenneth Brown. Vickie Burford was absent.

Also present were: City Attorney Richard Rasmussen.

City Employees: Tim Graves, Wayne Humphrey, David Little, Police Chief Justin Livingston, Willo Carpenter, Daniel Carpenter and

Guests: George Russell, Doug Endres, Dan Gillett, and Christy Kienast.