The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The Wisdom Of Barnyard Bruke: "thiings aren't always as they apear!"

Greetings to everyone in western Illinois.

I'm a hope'n no one is gett'n washed away by these rains we've been a have'n lately. I thought after the last few winters with winter rains cause'n serious erosion the weather may have run its course. It is always enterest'n to see thunder and light'n in February as we did Sunday night.

Has anyone bought NH3 needs for fall application, 2011, to be utilized in grow'n the 2012 corn crop?

I've talked to several feller's recently and they have already forward purchased 100% of their projected needs.

The price has worked up a good $10 per ton or more since they made their purchase.

One fertilizer dealer in the area has forward sold already 80% of last falls sales. Concerns abound on plowdown fertilizers, fuel, chemicals, as well as other major costs of production.

It seems many folk want to get a chunk of that $7.00 per bushel corn sale they figures everyone is receive'n.

Truth is, in a telephone call to local grain merchandisers', as well as the local ethanol plant, much corn is now being delivered and/or paid for at $4 per bushel or below.

Those sales were made on the best advice of commodity advisors and university counselors. So much for their "crystal ball" and abilities to predict the future.

The USDA and other number crunchers rotate numbers freely and affect prices with the greatest of ease.

It is always amaze'n to me that yield predictions for a professional corn grower (farmer) are often way off on their estimates until after harvest. USDA, however, seems worthy of predict'n price affect'n yields a year in advance without the slightest hesitation.

Some of those predictions are based on weather forecasts from the likes of Iowa's Elwood Taylor. He, of course, has accurately predicted two of the last nine droughts he forecasted. Those are probably better odds than most folk have at the "gamble'n house".

The point is, most folk can now sell old crop corn for $7 per bushel and better.

That does a powerful lot of heal'n for those sales at $4, $5, and yes even $6 per bushel.

It would seem wise not to let the number crunchers talk you out of this opportunity.

For those of you'ns who are sold out at lower prices, worry not! I'm sure your advisors will give everyone a refund, and the university gurus, while maybe not any kind of refund, maybe they'll offer you a tuition-free course in risk management.

Better yet, maybe they'll ask you to teach a course in price'n see'n as how you should have some important lessons to share.

Buster Jigs sez often times a failed farmer becomes a farm manager. Maybe the same principle would apply to teach'n risk management.

Sometimes, the truth hurts. To prove the point I'll share with you'ns a true story right from a news release some time back.

Linda Burnett, 23 years old, was visit'n her in-laws. Whilst there, she went on a very hot summer day to a nearby supermarket to pick up some groceries for the family.

As time went on, several people noticed her sitt'n in her automobile with the windows rolled up, her eyes closed, and both hands held firmly behind the back of her head.

One feller wait'n out in his car for his misses to do her shopp'n, became concerned as he observed Linda and walked over to her car.

He noticed that Linda's eyes were wide open, and she had a very strange look on her face.

He asked her through the closed window if'n she was okay, and Linda sorrowfully replied that she'd been shot in the back of the head, and was feebly able to hold her brains in for over an hour, await'n help.

She had about given up hope in last'n it out until rescuers could arrive.

The man promptly called paramedics who quickly arrived with a full force of police and an ambulance.

A great crowd had by now gathered about sorrowfully gaze'n at the tragedy, pray'n for a miracle that she might hold on until proper medical procedure could be applied to save her life, and not lose any mental capabilities for Linda.

The rescue team broke into the car with all due diligence and in an expeditious manner (jaws of life were fortunately readily available).

Linda refused to remove her hands from her head to unlock the doors for fear of looze'n any more of her ooze'n brains.

When the rescuers finally broke into the car they managed to coax Linda to remove her hands to examine the wound and provide proper treatment.

She did so every so reluctantly and very slowly.

It was found that Linda had a juicy wad of "bread dough" on the back of her head.

A Pillsbury biscuit canister had exploded from the heat whilst she was listening to her favorite program make'n a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot inside the enclosed car and the wad of dough hit her on the back of her head.

When she frantically reached back to find out what it was, she felt the dough and realized it must be her brains.

She promptly passed out, but quickly recovered in time to try to hold her brains in for over an hour, pray'n someone would notice and come to her aid.

And, yes, it was reported that Linda remains healthy yet today as a result of the dramatic-heroic rescue provided her when the bread dough was pulled off without loose'n a strand of hair.

Keep on Smile'n

Catch ya Later

Barnyard Bruke