The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Upholds Decision To Drop Transportation Service At Illini West

The La Harpe School Board held a special meeting on December 13, 2011, in the district library.

All seven board members were in attendance with Dr. Campbell and Jeanne Clayton to consider a letter from the Illini West board requesting that La Harpe District continue transportation for the high school for the school year 2012-13.

In April 2011, the La Harpe School Board took action to terminate the current transportation agreement at the end of this current 2011-12 school year.

The notice to Illini West of that decision was given a year in advance to comply with the contract and to allow Illini West time to plan for their transportation of the high school students.

Since the April decision, the La Harpe, Dallas and Illini West superintendents and transportation directors have worked together to analyze costs, coordinate drivers, and to plan new high school routes that offer an hour or less ride time to school for every high school student in the La Harpe and Dallas areas.

After thoroughly discussing and considering every aspect of the request, the La Harpe Board directed Supt. Campbell to respond by letter to the Illini West Board stating that no action was taken to reverse the La Harpe Board's April decision regarding transportation.

The letter will also restate the many benefits of the change including later morning pick-up times and shortened student ride time (La Harpe and Dallas City High School students' ride times will become comparable to Carthage area high school bus rides); maintaining district control of school start and end times, snow days, and school calendar; the ability to use smaller, lighter buses to help preserve fuel and county roads, and increased transportation efficiency for all districts.

The next scheduled La Harpe Board meeting was December 20, 2011. To view agendas, news releases and approved minutes, visit the school board section of the La Harpe Eagles website at www.laharpeeagles. org.