The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe School Board Members Discuss Funding

The La Harpe school board of Community School District #347, met Tuesday, May 18, 2010 in the district library.

David Pistorius from First Midstate, Inc. presented the board with several funding and financial options in light of the State's financial crisis.

La Harpe District will pay off its current Health Life Safety bond in December.

The district had in the past positioned itself for the sale of working cash bonds and has again found it necessary to do so. This "positioning" would allow the La Harpe school board to access additional funds up to $500,000 for working cash over the next 3 financially uncertain years if needed.

The board adopted a resolution and has published the required public notice declaring such intent.

The regular June school board and hearing to amend the FY2010 budget was rescheduled from June 15 to June 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the school library.

Supt. Campbell gave the financial report adding that the Jobs for Education bill has passed the House and, if successful, might be used to help make the 1 billion dollar General State Aid payments to schools in Illinois.

The State government now hopes to settle on a budget by the end of May.

Supt. Campbell reported updates of recent legislative action, School Construction Grant progress, and announced upcoming and recent meetings of the Superintendent's Association including news of Dr. Campbell's election to the IASA Board of Directors. Supt. Campbell noted several changes in the health insurance program, and the addition of pollution Liability Coverage to the current liability plan for the district.

In addition to approving previous board minutes, the financial report and payment of bills, the school board amended the FY2010 Final School Calendar, approved the district's participation in Federal Assistance Programs and the offering of additional student accident insurance provided by Hometown Insurance of La Harpe.

The board also approved membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards for FY2011, the second reading of policy updates, and the deletion of closed session recordings made at least 18 months prior to the current meeting as per district policy 2:220.

The school board approved summer transportation for Kids on Campus and the sale of obsolete district property, hired Jodelle Eddington, Brandon Gehle, Hayden Fox and Michael Lafferty, and Peggy Bundy for summer custodial work, and discussed sections of the D Street sidewalk that are in need of repair.

Principal McKeown reported a successful track season with many students finishing in the top ten at the state meet.

Springtime class field trips were enjoyed by all students who visited various places relating to each grade's curriculum.

Families of La Harpe students participated in many activities including Family Day on May 7, preschool Family Night, and Kindergarten Orientation.

Student Council sponsored an "end of the year" dance and 8th Grade Graduation was held May 21.

Board members in attendance were President Cindy Wear, Dan Horton, Mark Irish, Pam Campbell, Rex Huston, and Darren Spangler.

Also present were Superintendent Jo Campbell, Principal Lila McKeown, Jeanne Clayton, and visitors David Pistorius, Kathy Kendall and Cindy Jones.

Regularly scheduled LCSD #347 board meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month in the school library at 7:00 p.m.

The board invites you to view agendas, news releases and approved minutes on the school board section of the La Harpe Eagles website at

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the La Harpe school's library.