The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Take "The Quill" Along

O'Kemm Dixon and Annette Gustison, from Carman (mother and daughter) went to El Paso, TX to bowl in the USBC Women's National Championship tournament and they took the Quill along.

They are standing in front of the poster at the Bowling Convention Center. O'Kemm received a patch showing she has bowled in 29 tournaments. The poster had the El Paso Bowling Amigo in the picture.

Annette and O'Kemm have bowled together on doubles and singles teams for many years. They have won city doubles in Burlington, Iowa, in the past, and they find it is a special time for both of them.

Next year they look forward to the bowling convention in New York!

When you go on a trip, remember to take "The Quill" along and have your picture taken with it. Then send it to us and let's see where all "The Quill" can travel.