The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Village of Biggsville Board Meeting

by Cindy Rhinehart, Village Clerk

January 6, the Biggsville Village Board met in regular session with Brian Sterett, Village President presiding. Present were Trustees-Brian Cochran, Bob Onion, and Renee Sprock; Clerk-Cindy Rhinehart and Treasurer-Gloria Jones and Visitors-Shannon from Rural Development. Absent-Jenny Hopkins and Gloria Minard.

At 7 p.m., Sterett, Village President opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance and Clerk, Cindy Rhinehart took roll call.

Circulated and approved were the December 2009 minutes, the Treasurers Report and bills from Farway, Mark Shafer, Gloria Jones, Cindy Rhinehart, Brian Sterett, Gloria Minard, Gibbs Station, Henderson Co Econ Develop, Goff Trucking, Visible, AmerenIP, Lindsay Webb, Test, Susie Goff, Spears & Spears, Jeff Lant, Menards-West Burlington, Test, Galena Road Gravel

There were no Reports on Parks and Recreation, Sewer & Lagoon, Maintenance, or Zoning.

Public Relations: there were 66 fruit baskets made and delivered on December 17, 2009.

Streets: Brian Sterett reported that Jeff Lant ordered a new chain for the sand/salt spreader.

Water: Dallas Rural will have a meeting on the following day to discuss and accept water contract. Shannon discussed some concerns about the water purchase agreement from Rural Development.

There had been a frozen meter at the residence of Brad Bell. Mechanical Services, Inc from Galesburg was called to fix the problem.

Old Business

Now that Rec Recycling has gone out of business the recycling building will not have pick until replacement is found. The Recycling building in now closed until further notice.

New Business

The next meeting will be held on February 10, 2010 instead of February 3, 2010 for reasons that the village president will be out of town on the regular scheduled date.

Gloria Jones brought to the attention of the board that the CDs for the Motor Fuel Fund and others will mature the first week of February and they need to be reinvested.

Brian Cochran made a motion for all of the CDs to be reinvested for 6 months and seconded by Brian Sterett. Roll was called and all present voted in favor to accept motion as stated.

Concern that there might be a problem in the future from the blasting from Cessford Construction

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.