The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville June Board Meeting

-from minutes submitted by Village Clerk Cindy Rhinehart

The Village Board met in regular session with Brian Sterett, Village President presiding.

The follinwg Reports were given:

Parks and Recreation

Brian Sterett reported that one of the back boards was broken at Reed Park.

Brian Cochran reported that one of the lights is burnt out at the ballpark and a bucket truck is needed to fix the problem.

Brain Cochran made motion to get bucket truck and have Jamie McCabe fix the electrical problem and seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was called and all present voted to accept motion as presented.

Public Relations

Town cleanup for the residence of the village will be held on June 5, 2010 from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Their will be someone with a trailer to haul metal.

The village needs people to volunteer to help.

Gloria Minard reported that a dumpster from Floyd's E-Z Container would cost the village $65 for delivery, $125 for pick up and $40 per ton and last year it cost the village $350 per dumpster.


Jeff Lant reported that he had talked with Alan Ferguson at the County Highway Department and the village is first on the list to finish the streets that were not finished last year.


Quarterly Water Quality Letter was ready to send out.

Delinquent water list residents were going to start getting a hand delivered letter that states their water will be shut off if bill wasn't paid after two months.

New Business

The Village was served with papers on the Stout property. There was a question on how much the lien was that the village put on the property. The village has two liens on the Stout property:

1.) $230.00 for mowing and

2.) $1757.50 for demo and clean up cost.

2011 Budget - Brain Cochran made motion to accept the 2011 Budget as presented and seconded by Renee Sprock. All present voted to accept motion as presented.

Adoption of Henderson County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Brian Cochran made a motion to adopt the Henderson County Hazard Mitigation Plan and seconded by Renee Sprock. All present voted to accept motion as presented.

Grant for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) - Gloria Minard made a motion to apply for the grant and seconded by Renee Sprock. All present voted to accept motion as presented.

Brian Cochran made a motion to pay the bill from M&M Custom for the new weed eater that was cheaper to purchase than to get the old one fixed.

The June meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. and all were in favor of the motion.

The Village Board met in regular session with Brian Sterett, Village President and the following present: Trustees - Brian Cochran, Renee Sprock and Gloria Minard; Clerk - Cindy Rhinehart and Treasurer - Heather Lant and Visitors - Jeff Lant. Absent were Jennifer Hopkins and Bob Onion.

Brian Sterett, Village President opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:17 p.m.

Clerk, Cindy Rhinehart, took roll call.

Minutes from the May 2010 meeting were circulated by Cindy Rhinehart, Clerk and the minutes were approved as presented by Brian Cochran and seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was called and all present voted to accept minutes as presented.

Heather Lant, Treasurer, didn't have a treasurer's report to present.

Bills were circulated by Cindy Rhinehart, Clerk. Gloria Minard moved the bills be paid as read and seconded by Brian Cochran that orders be drawn on the treasury for the same. All present voted in favor of paying bills as read.