The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.


db Conard, The Quill

The Art Of A 5th Grader

I had received, in the space of one day, two works of pure art in words.

Both of these creations had a power of expression that I feel privileged to share in the hope that others might find what I did.

The first came from my sister Lisa, a 5th grade teacher, who loves what she does and often has wonderful stories she shares with me.

This last week, Lisa found true treasure in the words of one of her students.

The emotion in her voice as she shared the story was enough to show me how profoundly she had been touched.

The week prior, she had given her students an assignment to write a poem called a Cinquain typically taught in grade school.

A Cinquain has a simple formula but the poem is one that I am only now catching on to, and I now know my answer for that TV show, "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?"

The following are my understanding of the instructions that were given to Lisa's class.

A Cinquain is a poem with a fixed sequence.

It is a pattern that starts with a noun on the first line, two adjectives that describe the noun on the 2nd line, three verbs that the noun does on the third line, a phrase that describes the noun on the 4th line, and ends on the fifth line with one word that is a synonym for the noun.

From that class assignment came the following and one of the most descriptive, simple, complete, and powerfully expressed thoughts I have found, describing "Art."

Read the following a couple of times and see what you think.

With the permission of the author






Christina Guin 10/21/09

The treasure is not only the poem from this bright young mind, but the potential for so much more as Christina learns and grows into perhaps one of those great writers that history remembers.

Christina Guin is a nine year old 5th grade student attending Middle School in North Carolina.

The second work was a poem that a friend had discovered and made a part of his memoriam to his son, a victim of a tragic accident. I found the words had a power to comfort which is a form of art.

What struck me most, was how easily I was able to apply the first poem I had read of Christina's and her description of art and apply it to the works of others.

Almost immediately after my sister shared Christina's words, I opened a letter that included the following poem.

In memory of Scott Bradley Brownell - 1982/2009

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

When tomorrow starts without me

And I'm not here to see:

If the sun should rise and find your

Eyes filled with tears for me,

I wish so much you wouldn't cry

The way you did today:

While thinking of the many things

We didn't get to say

I know how much you love me

As much as I love you

And each time you think of me

I know you'll miss me too

But when tomorrow starts without me

Please try to understand:

That Jesus came and called my name,

And took me by the hand.

He said my place was ready

In heaven far above..

And that I'd have to leave behind

All those I dearly love.

So when tomorrow starts without me,

Don't think we are far apart:

For every time you think of me,

I'm right here in your heart.

-Author unknown

What a great time of year to appreciate the treasures all around us. The Fall colors of nature and people, both seemingly at their brightest at this Harvest time!