The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Seniors Serve Appreciation Meal

Work city officials do for the local La Harpe Senior Citizens did not go unnoticed as members served an appreciation meal to city employees Monday evening.

This year, members were especially grateful for a $10,000 grant they received due to the efforts of the La Harpe City Council, WIRC, and Senator John Sullivan's office.

The grant came in time to pay for a new furnace an air conditioning unit which was installed in August at a cost of $5,861.00.

The committee of Clyde Collins, Bill Crabill and Melvin Lotz are now working on getting bids for foundation work and possibly windows for the senior center.

"We are an active group. ...We enjoy potlucks, puzzles, cards, trips, having a tent at Summerfest with raffles which help with expense bills, and lots of other things. We collect cans and a volunteer transports them to a collection site."

They also receive help from the community folk who have meetings, reunions, and parties at the center. "Every little bit helps," Louise Crabill said.

Five years ago, a new roof was put on the kitchen, and two years ago a new water heater was installed. Last year, new carpet was laid in four rooms, and carpet in the dining area was cleaned.

Officers for 2008 are Claude Collins, President, Clyde Collins, Vice President, Louise Collins Secretary, and Lillian Crabill Treasurer.

The club was organized in 1970 with 65 members. The community support they have received in money and service is what keeps them going.

A few of the good cooks at the La Harpe Senior Center are from left back: Marge Walker, Clyde Colllins, Mrs. Lillian Crabill, Geraldine Meeks, and Claude Collins. In front from left is Velda Wright, Elgin Hardisty, and Louise Collins.