The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central #235 Board Minutes

Wednesday, April 16,the regular meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. at the High School.

After President Brent led the members of audience in the Pledge of Allegiance, the following items were highlighted:

The board approved the agenda as presented.

Sam Sudaker, the CSC Envoy provided the board with an update as well as a copy of the Envoy newsletter.

The board removed action item X(C). Consider revision to board policy 8:20. Community Use of School Facilities from the consent agenda. The consent agenda was then approved as presented.

The board approved payment of all bills as presented, approved the activity account summaries for March, and approved the March treasurer's report. The board heard a few comments from Superintendent Grimm on the status of the district's budget. Superintendent Grimm reported to the board that if we do lose our last two general state aid payments as well as our fourth quarter reimbursement payments for special education personnel and transportation, we would see a reduction in the education fund revenue for this fiscal year in the amount of $358,327 and a reduction in the transportation revenue for this fiscal year in the amount of $153,641.

The board briefly discussed the proposed revision to board policy 8:20-Community Use of School Facilities. It was suggested that there were a few concerns raised from some community members about the possibility of charging groups that do not open their extra curricular activities during non school time to all West Central students. Following this discussion, the board approved this revision as presented.

The board briefly discussed proposed revisions to several board policies as put forth by the IASB PRESS Policy Service. Superintendent Grimm answered a few questions regarding these proposed policy revisions.

Most of the proposed revisions are due to recent changes in the law of the Illinois School Code. Following this discussion, the board approved the proposed revisions on first reading. These policies will be returned to the board at the May meeting for second reading and possible adoption.

The board approved a bid for some required health and life safety electrical work in all three buildings. The low bid that was approved was from the Frank Millard Co. in the amount of $25,593. This work will be done over the summer and should take about three weeks to complete.

The board approved a quote from Northwest Restoration in the amount of $1,720 for some tuck pointing work at the middle school in Stronghurst. The board did ask Superintendent Grimm to double check a couple of things regarding this work and once that has been done, then the work may continue.

The board heard reports from building Principals Buss, Nichols and Geiser, Curriculum Director Jeanne Serven, District Technology Coordinator Barb Elliott, and Special Education Director Jamie Farniok.

The board briefly discussed an IASB board member survey that the Board's State Association has asked members to fill out.

The board received a proposal for an early bird physical education class at the high school. This proposal was discussed briefly and it was the consensus of the board that this should be presented to the board in May as an action item for approval.

The board gave permission to Superintendent Grimm to conduct a study of area schools and the student fees they will be charging for the 2008-09 school year. Superintendent Grimm is to bring back a recommendation on student fees for next year to the board at their May meeting.

Under future agenda items, a request was made to have the high school bowling program added to a board meeting agenda as a discussion item in the next month or two.

The board entered closed session at approximately 9:07 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to personnel and collective bargaining. The board exited closed session at 11:10 p.m. and took the following action:

The board was reminded that their next meeting date is Wednesday, May 21, 2008 and will be held in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:18 p.m. Board member Torrance was absent.