The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Board Discusses Water

Minutes of the regular Biggsville Village Board meeting, Feb. 7, 2007.

The board met in regular session with President Pro Tem Dale Allenbaugh presiding and the following present:

Trustees-Jack Brokaw, Marilyn Evans, Gloria Minard, and Brian Sterett. Absent-Bob Onion. Treasurer-Gloria Jones. Clerk-Frank Jones. Maintenance man-Jeff Lant. Visitors-John Roegiers of Missman Stanley & Associates, Shannon Duncan of WIRC, and Dan Gibb.

President Dale Allenbaugh opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. by leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and roll called by Biggsville Village Clerk Frank Jones.

Shannon Duncan, of WIRC, discussed what the village needed to complete the Water Project Applications that is to be filled on February 20, 2007. Seventy-five percent of the easements need to be signed. Two resolutions need to be passed. Duncan explained the change made in the point system and where Biggsville weaknesses are Biggsville's current water bill is much lower than the state average.

Dale Allenbaugh read Resolution 07-001, Council Resolution of Support Applying for a Grant with the State of Illinois for Community Development Assistance Program Grant. Jack Brokaw moved the Resolution 07-001 be approved as read, seconded by Marilyn Evans. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Dale Allenbaugh read Resolution 07-002, Resolution Committing Local Fund and Illinois Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) for Public Facilities Application. Gloria Minard moved the Resolution of 07-002 be approved as read, seconded by Brian Sterett. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

John Roegiers of Missman Stanley & Associates handed out material bids for meters and valves to be purchased with the grant funds remaining. This bid amounted to approximately $56,000. Marilyn Evans moved the village order the material from the low bid received, seconded by Brian Sterett. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Dale Allenbaugh read two engineering bills from Missman, Stanley & Associates amounting to $9,313.25 and $2,380.00. Gloria Minard move the engineering bills be paid as presented, seconded by Brian Sterett. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Dale Allenbaugh read the Dallas Rural Water minutes of January 8, 2007.

Dale Allenbaugh read the water purchase contract with Dallas Rural Water. Key points of the contract are: 1) water will be furnished at a reasonably constant pressure calculated at 75PSI from existing 8" main, 2)line will have metering equipment, 3) the water rate will be $2.10 per thousand gallons of water, 4) contract is contingent on Dallas Rural Water obtaining additional capacity to serve the purchaser and the Village of Biggsville obtaining financing in order to run a water line to hook onto the seller's system.

Brain Sterett moved the Village of Biggsville accept the water purchase contract with Dallas Rural Water District of Ferris, and attach a letter detailing the paragraphs that need to be defined. This letter will be prepared by the Village President and all approved.

The January Minutes and Treasurer's report and bills were approved to be paid.


Parks and Recreation-Dale Allenbaugh reported the committee is working on a sketch for the design of the Memorial Park. The committee discussed forming a park district to include Rozetta, Bald Bluff and Biggsville.

Lights-Dale Allenbaugh reported on adding a municipal tax onto the telephone and gas bills. The telephone option is under the federal regulations which makes it much harder to enact.

Nicor can add up to 5% for a utility tax and will charge .15% for handling the tax. A 5% tax will generate approximately $8,000 annually for the village. Gloria Minard moved the village add a 3% utility tax on the Nicor gas bill, seconded by Jack Brokaw. Roll was called and all presented voted yes. Dale Allenbaugh will have an attorney review the ordinance.

Nicor also provided a listing of Biggsville customers for the village to review. Gloria Jones and Dale Allenbaugh will go over this list.

Dale Allenbaugh asked if any board members had received any complaints on plowing the streets. No complaints have been received.

The board discussed the raising of water rates. Dale Allenbaugh moved that Biggsville raise the water rates as follows:

Family-from $21.50 to $26.00 per month

Single and over 65-from $15.00 to $18.00

This increase will be in effect starting March 1, 2007, seconded by Brian Sterett. Roll was called: Allenbaugh yea, Brokaw yea, Evans yea, Minard yea, and Sterett yea. Absent Onion.

Other standing committees of the village board had no specific reports.

Old Business-

Marilyn Evans moved the village enter into executive session at 10:13 p.m. to discuss the Bundy proposal, seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Marilyn Evans moved the executive session be closed at 10:38 p.m. and return to regular session, seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Jack Brokaw moved the village notify Bundy's attorney with a counter offer and make sure all litigation goes away, seconded by Marilyn Evans. Roll was called and all present voted yes. President Dale Allenbaugh will contact the village attorney with the counter offer.

New Business-

Dale Allenbaugh read a request for a donation for the Highway 34 Coalition. This was tabled until the March meeting.

Clerk Frank Jones reported on the April election. Petitions were filed for the following: mayor, two-year unexpired term, trustees (2) for four year terms, and (2) two year unexpired terms. This still leaves a vacancy of one trustee.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, March 7, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Biggsville Community Building.

Frank H. Jones-Clerk