The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1918 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918

Stronghurst Graphic, Oct.3, 1918 

DIED AT TRAINING CAMP: This community during the past week, particularly two homes , have been made to realize afresh the grim tragedy of war and the names of two more of Henderson County's young men have been added to the honor roll of those who have given their lives in their country's service.Cranston Doak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Doak, who live a few miles south of Stronghurst, passed away at the Great Lakes training camp last Monday morning and Ralph Simonson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Simonson, who live between here and Raritan, died at the same place that night. Both died from complications following attacks of the "Spanish influenza" which is now raging in most of the military camps and cantonments in the country.

The fathers of both spent several days at Great Lakes preceding their passing, but on account of strict military regulations in force were not allowed to minister personally toward their relief or to have them transferred to some place where better care and attention could be given them.

Both parents feel that if they had received better nursing and medical attention, they need not have been called to make the "supreme sacrifice." They tell of many heart rending scenes they witnessed while at the training station and from their report, it is evident that the lack of sufficient physicians, nurses and attendants is responsible for the large number of fatalities...

The remains of Cranston Doak arrived in Stronghurst last Monday at midnight and were taken to his parents' home where funeral services will be held today with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery. The remains of Ralph Simonson have not arrived and arrangements have not been made.

Something is seriously wrong with the system in vogue at the Great Lakes Camp as Mr. Simonson was informed when he left there that he would be notified as to the train on which he might expect the remains of his son. Wednesday evening he received a telegram asking for instructions as to the disposition of the remains and stating that they would be interred at the camp unless instructions were sent at once. Mr. Doak also received a telegram stating that his son was seriously ill when as a matter of fact, he had been dead for three days and his remains senthome.

The death of these two promising, popular young men under such distressing circumstances has caused a pall to settle over the entire community and there are heart felt expressions of sympathy for the bereaved families heard on every hand.

INFLUENZA IS RAGING: This community in common with others throughout the country is in the grip of the influenza epidemic and an enumeration of those ill would necessitate the publication of a long list of names. The greatest danger seems to be in the fact that pneumonia is liable to develop in cases where the subject is particularly susceptible. A large percentage of deaths follow an attack of influenza from which pneumonia develops.

The most serious cases here are those of Dr. Bond and Dr. Wells, both of whom have pneumonia in the acute form. Both are in Galesburg hospitals and the condition of Dr. Wells was said to be extremely critical. He was sent to the hospital accompanied by his wife who returned on the afternoon train. Later that evening she received a message stating that his condition had turned for the worse and his recovery doubtful. She was taken back to Galesburg in the Kaiser car and is now at the bedside of her husband. The latest report from Dr. Bond is that he is improved.

While the disease so far is one which particularly affects grown people, it was thought best to close the public schools from Friday morning until next Monday pending developments in the cases of illness occurring amongst the children.

PATRIOTIC SONG SERVICE: A patriotic song service will be held at the high school under the leadership of Mrs. W.C.Ivins next Saturday afternoon when the subscriptions for the Fourth Liberty Loan will be received. One of the features which she is trying to arrange is a song entitled " It's My Flag Too" with the singing done by citizens of the community representing seven different nationalities.

OBITUARY***MR. HENRY CLARK: Mr. Henry Clark, a well known former resident of Biggsville Township, died at his home in Greeley, Colo. last Saturday. Mr. Clark, who was a prominent farmer and stockman moved to Cheyenne, Wyo. some ten or twelve years ago and later to Greeley, Colo. He was 73 years of age and a veteran of the Civil War. He had been twice married, first to Miss Maggie McDill, who died a few years later, and afterward to Mrs. Matilda Clark.

Two daughters were born to the first union, one of whom died when young. The surviving daughter is Miss Anna Clark of Greeley, Colo. A sister of the deceased, Miss Nannie Clark of Monmouth, Ill., also survives.

AUTO ACCIDENT: Virgil Galbraith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Galbraith of Gladstone, was killed and Mrs. Flora Peterson of the same village was quite badly bruised in an automobile accident on the outskirts of Biggsville on the road leading into that village from the west last Friday evening. Miss Agnes Fagan of Biggsville, who was also a passenger in the car, escaped without injury. While running at a rate of 45 miles per hour one of the front tires of the auto blew out and when Galbraith suddenly applied the brakes, the machine turned turtle and caught the driver in the wreckage, killing him instantly. The ladies were thrown clear of the car.

Mr. Galbraith was 38 years of age and in addition to his parents, is survived by five brothers, three of whom are in military service, Lee, Linn and Harold. Dale and Theodore live with their parents. A coroner's inquest rendered a verdict in accordance to the facts stated above.

SOLD  HIS PROPERTY: Dr. E.E.Bond has sold his fine residence property in Stronghurst to Mrs. W.R.Dobbin and has moved his household goods to Galesburg where the family will make their home during the war period. The doctor had planned to leave for Camp Gordon, Ga. this week, but he was taken ill with pneumonia and has been in a somewhat critical condition for the past day or two.

Physicians from Galesburg came down and took him back with them by auto to that city in order that he might have the benefit of hospital treatment. A message received the following morning stated that he had stood the journey very well and that an improvement in his condition was hoped for.

PROBABLY MARRIED: Some strong documentary evidence is on file that our popular young veterinarian John Mudd recently became a benedick (a benedick refers to Shakespeare's play Much Ado; otherwise a confirmed bachelor who marries after a courtship which is a contest of wit and raillery) and that the lady in the case was formerly Miss Ruth Botts of Kahoka, Mo., a frequent visitor here and who is well and favorably known to many. John refuses to either strengthen or refute the evidence on file by any voluntary statement of his own; but we will not withhold congratulations on that account.

RILEY-MUDD: Report says that Miss Vera Mudd of this village and Mr. Arthur Riley, a prosperous young farmer of the Little York neighborhood were united in marriage at Burlington on Sept.29th.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: OLENA- Rev. Russell gave his congregation a very interesting sermon Sabbath afternoon taking as his theme "American, the Land of Dreams." Mrs. George Fort's condition has somewhat improved. She is now taking treatment of Mrs. Dr. Henderson of Stronghurst. Some 8-10 families of the neighborhood spent Saturday in Crapo Park. Grant White is finishing several small jobs threshing. Mr. Alex Marshall and son John, Harvey Lant and Hugh and Herbert Jamieson made an overland trip to Peoria. Floyd Burrell is recovering nicely from his recent surgical operation. Delbert Burrell is reported married to a Gladstone girl. (Gossip was news!) Glen Carlson and Myrle and Vera Deitrick have become students of Stronghurst high school. The village school was ordered closed a few days on account of a sickness in which the attending physician was unable to diagnose until further developments.

Word came over the telephone Saturday morning that Mr. John Peterson's house west of the village was burning. A crowd soon collected and it was thought the fire was extinguished and the crowd left, but some time later the flames burst out again and before help arrived the second time, the fire was beyond control and the house and most of its contents consumed. This is the second time this family has been burned out and only a few weeks ago their son, Gear, lost his house and all household goods.

GLADSTONE- Dr. and Mrs. A.C.Keener and son Dale and daughter Mrs. Melroy and daughter from Altona, Ill., Mr. J.Magee and daughter of Fairfield, Ia., Mr. Ed Magee from Michigan were called here to attend the funeral of their nephew, Virgil Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. Will Magee from Monmouth were called here by the same death. Mrs. Earl Lewis went to the St.Louis hospital and underwent an operation; she came out of it fairly well. Miss Virginia Stanley is attending Monmouth College.

CARMAN- Mr. Will Dixon and wife entertained a company of young folks at their home with a hard times party. (Anyone know what this is?) Mrs. Wilson Stewart is a patient at the Burlington Hospital. Mrs. Robert Gillis, Sr. will spend the winter with her grand daughter, Mrs. Earl Marsden at Lomax. Mr. Gus Madgeburg of Oklahoma was here looking after business. He informs us he has been married for two years and has a little daughter eight months old. It is quite a surprise to his many friends as he was back last fall and kept it a secret; he married his brother Paul's widow.

STRONGHURST- Mr. and Mrs. C.E.Fort have received a card announcing the safe arrival of their son John in France. H.F.Turner and wife of Canton, Ill. visited Mrs. McMillan. Henry Adair is having material hauled out to his farm for a fine new residence which is to be erected this fall. Alvah Shook came home from Detroit to look after his reclassification before the exemption board.

He has been working nights and receives $8.40 for each night's labor. He is with the Studebaker Co. in war work and his duties consist of assembling parts of a cannon. Miss Edna Schierbaum has gone back to the state university at Urbana; her sister, Miss Ethel, is a teacher at Manhattan, Ill. Miss Sarah McElhinney returned from Olathe, Kan. where she attended the wedding of Miss Mary Monteith. Miss Lelah Salter of Chicago and Miss Harriet Salter of Galesburg visited with relatives here before returning to Chicago where Miss Harriet will enter a special course to fit her for taking a position in the employ of the railroad.

Mrs. Flo Tillotson of Moline has fully recovered from her recent attack of typhoid fever. Her son Kendall is attending a dental school in Chicago. Her daughter, Ellen Gray, is now holding a government position in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Almer Negley went to Peoria to attend the implement show and visit relatives. A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.H.Cooper on the Lant farm north of Stronghurst. J.F.McMillan has been confined to the house by an attack of the prevailing influenza; he is reported as improving rapidly. Dale Stine is reported as recovering at Great Lakes for an attack of illness which for a time threatened his life. B.G.Widney and wife returned from Utah where they visited their son George.

When Hamilton disbanded their team, a football game was called off.High School Cheer: Eat'em up, Chew'em up, Tear'em up fine. S.H.S. is right in line.