The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central, Talks Budget At Meetings

(from West Central School Board of Education District #235 Minutes)

September 20 the West Central Community Unit School Board conducted a special budget public hearing before it's regular meeting on the proposed FY07 school district budget.

No one in the audience addressed the board with any comments or questions about the budget.

President Lonnie Brent adjourned the budget hearing.

Teachers new to the district were present and were introduced by building principals as well as some of the mentors working with new teachers.

The board spent around 25 minutes visiting with new teachers.

The regular meeting of District #235 Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Brent.

President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag then offered as good news items:

During the recognition of audience request for presentation, the board heard a very brief report form Sam Sudakar, the Carl Sandburg Community College Envoy.

The board approved the agenda and consent agenda including:

After a presentations on some of the bills relative to life safety and maintenance projects the board approved the bills as presented.

The board approved the activity reports and the August treasurer's report, and the FY07 District budget as presented. The superintendent pointed out to the board areas where the final budget numbers differed from those that were presented in the preliminary budget which was given to the board at their August board meeting.

The FY07 budget shows projected revenue of $9,940,802 and projected expenditures of $10,385,466. It was pointed out that while this is a deficit budget the amount of the deficit is due to the expenditures that will be made from the life safety fund and the district has those funds on hand as a result of selling bonds last spring.

The board approved the revision to the district's athletic policy regarding participation as presented.

The board approved on first reading, proposed changes to several board policies. Those proposed policy changes will be placed on the October meeting agenda for second reading and adoption.

The board heard reports from WCE Principal Dale Buss, WCMS Principal Jeff Nichols, and WCHS Principal Karen Rima.

The board heard a report from Jeanne Serven, District Curriculum Director. Mrs. Serven reported on our sixth day enrollment numbers and provided the board with a comparison of those numbers from a year ago.

She also updated the board on the final allocations that we are receiving for our state and federal grants. Mrs. Serven reported that we have noted a decrease of about $50,000 in the allocations that we will receive for our state and federal grants for FY07 over FY06.

Mrs. Serven shared with the board the literacy checklist that we are implementing in each of the district buildings at this time.

The board heard a report from Barb Elliot, District Technology Director. Mrs. Elliott updated the board on the status of our network upgrade and the new phone service installation.

The board heard from District Special Education Coordinator, Jamie Farniok. Among other things, Mrs. Farniok reported that 20 percent of our students are currently receiving special education services and that 9 students are receiving services outside the district.

District Athletic Director, Jay Blender reported to the board that in high school volleyball there are currently 28 students participating, 15 in high school golf, 54 in high school football, 27 in middle school baseball, 36 in middle school football and 44 in 6-8 grade girls basketball. There are also 10 high school and 10 middle school cheerleaders.

The board heard a report from the board's transportation sub-committee. Board member Anderson led the board through a discussion on the purchase of diesel fuel for our buses.

It was the consensus of the board to continue attempting to purchase our fuel by the tanker load at such times as it is needed. It was also the consensus of the board to hire a consultant to study all aspects of whether or not the district should maintain their current arrangement of contracting for some bus service while providing the rest, contracting all bus service or providing all bus service on our own.

The board heard a brief update on the progress that has been made on the life safety and maintenance projects.

The board discussed the district planning retreat summary that had been prepared by Mr. Grimm. All felt it was a very worthwhile activity.

The superintendent's performance objectives were discussed. It was the consensus of the board that the objectives were appropriate. Superintendent Grimm indicated that these goals would be brought back to the board for approval at the October board meeting.

The board heard a brief report from Superintendent Grimm and Sam Sudakar on the Carl Sandburg College Project Safeguard. This is a proposed project that the college will host that will provide data backup services for the K-12 partners within the Carl Sandburg College district.

Superintendent Grimm also reported to the board that we are currently looking, at this time, for a new student management software program and that we are working with Carl Sandburg College on this project as well.

A proposal was reviewed for a pilot project for an ele-mentary enrichment program.

The board, by consensus, gave permission to the superintendent and curriculum director to proceed with implementation of this project. It will be brought back for approval at the October meeting.

At 9:20, the board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel returning at 9:45 p.m. with the following action:

The board was reminded that their regular October board meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 18, 2006 in the elementary cafeteria beginning at 6 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:50 p.m.